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[OPIc] 5_공연·콘서트 보기 본문


[OPIc] 5_공연·콘서트 보기

miinsun 2022. 1. 5. 19:24

빈출 문제 유형

공연, 콘서트보기를 여가 활동으로 선택했을 때

경험 - 최근에 갔던 콘서트에 대한 경험 (과거)

선호 - 어떤 극장이나 콘서트장을 좋아하나요? (현재)

활동 - 얼마나 자주 연극을 보러가나요? 루틴 (현재)



1. 최근에 콘서트에 간 경험

Last month I went to a concert by my favorite group, Doll's house.
The concert was at a large auditorium in Seoul. The auditorium was not only big, but also very modern.
I went to the concert with my friends, who are fans of Doll's House as well.
We had a great time. I really enjoyed the whole experience.


2. 좋아하는 공연장

My favorite place is the Seoul Arts Center. It is in Gangnam.
I like this place because it is so big and beautiful

Last weekend, I went to a concert by a famous orchestra there.
The concert made me feel happy.
I would like to see more performances there in the near future.


3. 공연 관람 전·후에 하는 일

I go to plays once or twice a year. I usually see them with my friends.
I always read reviews on the Internet before the play.
Then I reserve tickets online and pick them up at the theater.
I always discuss the performance with my friends after the play.
We usually do this in a nearby coffee shop.


4. 가장 기억에 남는 콘서트

The most memorable concert was JJ Band's. The concert was at the Olympic Stadium.
It was special because JJ Band is my favorite group. I had never seen them perform before.
Also, I was sitting very close to the stage and the group sang all of my favorite songs.
The concert made me feel full of energy. I'll never forget that evening.

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